Instagram interlude

I'm in Denmark at the moment, and really enjoying the break from....well, from everything. The blog has been very much at the back of my mind, and there's no doubt I'm missing writing, but to be honest, right now there is so much going on, and so much I need to consider and weigh up, that the best approach seems to be the one I've taken - keep it all at a distance, and just let it come and go in my mind without giving it too much focus.

But, it has left something of a gap. As you've probably noticed if you've been keeping up with me for any length of time, I really love taking photos of landscapes that make me feel better. I'm no photographer, and I'm equipped with nothing more elaborate than the camera of my phone. But I get such a sense of peace from being near trees and water........I realise how remarkably clichéd that sounds but it's true. I need green, and space, and quiet, every day if possible. So for the next while my focus will shift over to instagram. If you want to keep up with me, I'm going by Sunny Scattered.

Karrebæksminde, Denmark
As for everything else? Time. I need time.

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